Yesterday was Super Bowl Sunday.
I was totally unaware of this fact.
I invited the missionaries over for dinner.
Nate was not very pleased.
But he was a good sport about it anyways.
Honestly, I think Nate was mostly disappointed that I had made a healthy dinner.
He was very much looking forward to his munchy/crunchy/greasy/fatty/manly Super Bowl food.
The nerve... carrots AND salad? Are you kidding me?
Nate with his buddy Mark at the Boise State vs. BYU game. It's the only recent football picture I have.
After the missionaries left-
and yes, our visit turned out delightful-
I was suddenly exhausted.
Like exhausted.
I sat down on my bed to watch 'Once Upon a Time' with the girls
(or as Nate says, "Oh good, they're making soap operas for children now")
and couldn't keep my eyes open.
At 8:30 when the episode ended, I told the girls to hurry off and brush their teeth and then come back to tuck me into bed.
Tess gasped...literally.
"But Mom, you always tuck us into bed."
That's right darlin'... it's payback time.
So off they went and a few minutes later they were back...
Wrapping the covers around my body.
Singing me songs and rubbing my back.
A mother could used to this.
It was heavenly.
(It made me glad that I do it for my children every's a delightful way to end the day!)
And I was still smiling nearly 11 hours later when I got out of bed and found this waiting for me:
Totally worth it.