And a noteworthy Easter story...
Nate and I played a piano duet in church on Easter. All was going well (okay so we had made our fair share of mistakes) until the air conditioner kicked on and blew the last page of our music off the piano stand. We had to completely stop, reshuffle things, (at which point I turned to the congregation and said "sorry") and then start again. It was pretty funny. We sat down and Tess said, "You guys really messed up."
Later when Nate and I were talking about it I said, "Man, it kind of bites that you can work so hard on something only to be thwarted by some unforeseen element like the air conditioner," to which he shrugged and replied, "Oh, I'm glad that happened. I think it's important for us to show each other that none of us is perfect and there's nothing wrong with that." (That Nate. Always so wise and Zen. I just really like him.)
So a big thanks to all our ward friends for laughing along with us. After all, that's what being a ward family is all about...supporting and sustaining each other even through our imperfections.