It's not my strong suit.
As clearly evidenced by this blog.
Well, I take that back.
I'm consistent in the areas that really matter.
I pray and read scriptures with my kids (almost) every day.
I make my bed and brush my teeth.
I constantly harp on the kids about vegetables, sunscreen and
'for heaven's sake let's be kind to one another.'
'for heaven's sake let's be kind to one another.'
I get the things done that have to be done.
I just rarely get to the projects on my to-do list. (Where is that list?)
Like blogging for example.
If only there were 100 hours in each day.
I recently had over 6000 miles in the car to organize the thousands of photos
on my computer.
on my computer.
It was glorious. (Organization makes me happy!)
In doing so, I realized all the stories I have yet to tell.
So many missed opportunities to share the cute things my kids have said and done,
and the fun experiences we have had together.
and the fun experiences we have had together.
It makes me sad.
And makes me want to try harder to record those memories for my family.
There is no way to catch up on everything.
But here are the 2012 highlights that I must share....
"To: Tess
From: Nora
I am sorry. I want you to be happy.
I am so sorry for breaking your necklace.
Will you forgive me ________?
And I know it is special."
David quickly learned that
leaving teeth for the tooth fairy is a much faster/easier way to make money
than doing those stinkin' chores.
His philosophy: If it's at
all wiggly, it's coming out.
Sometimes he recruits his dad
to help:
This is the 2nd Annual Art Night that I have chaired at the school. It's pretty exhausting but I love it! And it's so worth the effort when you see all the students proudly displaying their art. This year was especially fun because I was hobbling around on an undiagnosed torn ACL (with extensive bone bruising), climbing ladders and bending in all directions to get the displays up. By Friday night I could barely stand on my feet.
Good times.

My view overlooking BSU stadium while rehabbing my torn ACL. It's quite motivating.
I just know I'll be back to dancing at half-time in no time. (haha.)
I just know I'll be back to dancing at half-time in no time. (haha.)
David broke his wrist at
school while doing the monkey bars with gloves on. His hands slipped, he landed
wrong and chipped off part of the growth plate... which meant 2 trips to the
ER... one to get x-rays and then one later that evening to have it re-set once
they realized how serious it was. They had to bring in a Pediatric Orthopedic
(He turned out to be an LDS
guy that had lived in the same ward boundaries that we did in Philadelphia just
a couple years after we left. We sat excitedly chatting while David lay in
agony. Poor Davey. At the end I told the doc to thank his wife- a mother of 5- profusely
for letting him get away on a Fri night. I understand her position perfectly.)
Then a
week later David pulled his cast off 'because it was bothering him' and had to
have it re-cast (but only after he hid under the bed for a while so as not to
be discovered). Again, this all took place after business hours.
Silly Davey. Way to make this
as expensive as possible.
We live on a ridge at the edge of Boise. It's beautiful but it means that we get a LOT of animals around these parts. Last year we had 2 bunnies that lived under the shed. We affectionately named them 'Bob' and 'Bob's brother.' Well, ahem, they had a busy year. Now we have 10 bunnies and also an adorable family of quail that live in our yard. During the winter we get up to 8 deer at a time. They enjoy eating away at our plants/bushes. The worst for sure are the snakes and mice. (Shouldn't the snakes eat the mice??) Many people on our street get cats to kill the mice, but then the coyotes eat the cats. It's kind of a problem.
Ahh, that's why the dog's food has been disappearing.
Thanks Wyatt and Chelsea for a delightful stay!
Chelsea- you are so fun to be with!... and my style guru.
Wy- you may just be the most selfless man I know.
God only had to give me one brother because he got it exactly right the first time.
This darling Tudor is the home that my family lived in 35 years ago while Dad was a derm resident in Grosse Pointe, MI. Yes Mom, it's still sooooo charming.
Oh Michigan (the place of my birth)- I love you. Hopefully I'll be back soon. Next time I'd like you to introduce me to your Great Lakes. I've probably seen them but I was too young to remember.
Nate will never toot his own
horn, so I have taken it upon myself to do so.
Keynote speaker at the Red
Cross Appreciation Dinner.
He had the entire room
sniffling as only Nate can do.
Afterward there was a line of
people just waiting to shake his hand.
And a line of people waiting
to congratulate me for being married to such a man.
Don't worry- I know how lucky
I am.
Receiving grant money for
pediatric cancer research.
An article appeared in the
Idaho Statesman:
Thanks babe for working so
hard and providing so well for our family.
You make me proud!
I was busy snapping away on the camera when I noticed David's shoes.
Man, that kid is quirky.
(And for the record, I adore quirky.)
P.S. This post took me f-o-r-e-v-e-r to put together, but man-oh-man that ipiccy can do some fun things with pictures. I was having a grand old time playing around. I'm loving the 'Orton Effect' as you can probably tell.
Oh your posts are the best!! So many funny things! And how COOL is that for Nate?! He is awesome. I would really love to hear what it was about sometime. Can we all just agree that your kids are the coolest? Why do they do so many funny/random things? I love it.
ps- that mice nest has me squirmy for you! ugh!
You are an amazing woman! It was so wonderful to see you and Nate and your awesome children a month ago! We are so happy that you included us as you made your journey eastward! I would have LOVED to hear Nate speak as the keynote speaker. He is such a terrific speaker. *so are you!* We love your family so much! And so glad to see an update and pictures on your blog!
L.O.V.I.N.G. this post!! If you could try and do one of these a week, that would really make my life better! How you do everything you do is beyond me. Super mom of the century. Your kids are the best little people alive! Nora's darling notes and david ripping off his cast....dying. so hysterical. Of course Nate was the keynote speaker. That man NEVER ceases to amaze me. You really did score big time. But then again, look how lucky he got! Loving the shoe picture. Making me laugh as I type this! Love ya!! New york cannot come fast enough.
So fun to get a Meeker update! I loved reading all of this. Keep them coming!
How does a six year old pull a cast off a broken wrist. I am asking for real, but that kid never ceases to amaze. And I have to ask. The picture of the first grade choir concert. who is the boy with the dinosaur shirt on. I keep looking at that picture wondering why it is in the post?
I so wish we had more time together. I would love to hear, laugh, and talk about all these stories in person. Love you all!!!
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