
Makin' His Momma Proud

This is the story as told at book club last night...

One of my good friends is David's Primary teacher. On Sunday, they had a lesson on the priesthood.

Teacher: Okay class, so today we are going to talk about something that starts with the letter P.

David: I know, I know! (you know where this is heading right?)...PENIS!

Teacher: Um...well...that is a P word David, but this P word is something that men can hold and women cannot.

David: (quite certain he has it now) Teacher, teacher, I know!...it's PENIS!

...You know, based on the clues, David really was on to something.

And above all, this story proves one thing...David is learning his letters. Wahoo!


leslie said...

Priceless! YOu are right, he is learning his letters. Hold onto this one forever.

LynnEl Springer said...

I love that little boy! He was absolutely correct!!! What a smart kiddo! What a laugh I got - and I can't wait to tell Carolyn!! Can't you just hear her laughing?? I think I should call all of Strata and tell them all! Except probably most of them wouldn't know you anymore. Sad. They are certainly missing out if they don't know you and your fam! Hey, are you taking the kids to Amy's play tomorrow night or Saturday or Monday night? You should! It's free and fun and close by!! Do it for me, since I can't be there!!

Mark and Meghan said...

that is the third time i've heard the story in about a 12 hour period...and it still makes me laugh!!! he's so funny!

Chelsea said...

LOL- this is hilaroius!! I wish so badly I was there!! Honestly Dave, you are the funniest little guy.

heather said...

that is great! oh the things that come from the mouth of babes!

Anonymous said...

such a cutie! and kids really do think so logically....

Chelise said...

I laughed till I cried! Priceless!

Kristi said...

Funny, funny, funny!! Based on the clues I can see why he thought he was right.

Madeline said...

hahahaha. oh my gosh. i love when david talks about penises. (sorry, not to make you look like a bad mother. he doesn't talk about them a lot :) only occasionally) teaching the triplets primary class must be priceless!!

Brian and Amanda said...

Why do those types of ward alway come out first- My Adam would have said POOP-

Andrea said...

David is so stinkin cute. I love it!

Shalice said...

Hilarious Erin!! He is one smart kid!

Anonymous said...

What a hilarious introduction to one of your cute kids! It is sure fun to find your family blog. Hope all is well!!