

Dear woman at Toys R Us,
Now that I am in a better mood I can clearly see that I was a total you-know-what today.
I should know by now to not let David out of my sight.
And when you returned him to me and then later approached me with raised eyebrows
and told me that "he was heading outside!,"
I should have thanked you profusely for keeping my little guy safe
instead of snidely remarking,
"So I need to watch him better? Is that what you're trying to say?"
I'm sorry I took my frustration out on you.
No doubt I am a total brat sometimes.
(Just ask my husband for verification on this.)
Let's face it- this whole mothering thing is a bit over my head sometimes.
And it will definitely take the entire village to raise my David.
He's bound and determined to not make it to his next birthday.
My little Houdini.
Anyways, you're great.
Thanks for helping me today.
Let's have lunch in the next life.


LynnEl Springer said...

Erin - you just crack me up! You are soooooooooooo funny! You are the best mom ever! Brat? Probably! But we love you totally! And so do your kiddos! As for David, well, keep trying - he'll love you for it!! :)

Jill said...

I laughed out loud reading this. Then I read it again, and laughed again. Thanks for your candor about motherhood - I am also deeply grateful that despite Allison's best intentions, she is safe at home with us every night.

maddie said...

stop erin. it's quite annoying when people feel they need to advise you (i'm the same way with driving even when i'm in the wrong - people are constantly getting mad at you in the big D). okay okay maybe i'll have a lot of people to have lunch with in the next life and i don't even have kids yet! whoops time for me to be nicer. anyway, it's a terrific story. and the one about william before!?! so so funny. tell the kiddies to think of me next time they're in the hot tub. miss you!

Kearl said...

Chuckle, chuckle. We all have those days. I love that you still put your apology out there to the universe.