

I'm feeling bold. Obviously. I was sorting through my pictures today and ran across this beauty. Now over the years, many have asked what it was like to be pregnant with twins and have a newborn all at the same time. Well today (in what I can only imagine is a moment of pure insanity) I have decided to put an end to your wondering. Here it is:

This is me at ~36 weeks balancing a 6-month old David on my belly. (Will and Nora were born 11 days later.) In case you can't tell, I am miserable in this picture. I mean for heaven's sake I am carrying an extra 65 pounds. Notice the strained smile, the bloated feet, the discolored facial skin, my horrible roots (okay, so some say that the hair-dyeing chemicals may be damaging to the baby's health, but certainly in some instances severe action is warranted!), and last but not least, the ridiculous tent shirt. Yes, this is way beyond the "cute" maternity clothes phase. In looking back, I now realize why every stranger's gaze turned to follow after me as I walked by. I was quite the freak show.
I have done you all a favor and opted against sharing the bare belly shots. You're welcome.


The Stars at Night...Deep in the Heart of Texas said...

That picture can sum up the expression, "Life is better today than it was yesterday."

Man, good times!

Lettie B. said...

Wow, Erin! And I mean that in a good way. Twins in there? I had one baby and was even bigger! David looks so big there. You already know it because everyone tells you, but you are amazing with your 3 kids so close. I can never complain about mine when you are around because I would get zero sympathy. Your job is much tougher than mine. I commend you for all of your work!

Mark and Meghan said...

so i wish that i could blow that picture up! that is hillarious. never in a million years could i even imagine it! you're so tiny now! and i still DON'T know how you did it..and do it! you're amazing. thanks for the bold picture! :)

Stacey said...

Oh my gosh!! That is insane! I remember you saying you looked full term at like 6 months but I didn't fully believe you until now! And I totally think you should share the bare belly shots. Those would be fun to see!! :)

matt and eve lloyd said...

Oh my gosh...I'll be honest, I had this picture on as the background of my laptop for a while. It makes me laugh every time I look at it and just reminds me of that fun trip going out to Philly and trying to help you get ready to move to Utah and taking care of Tess and David while you were having the twins. It was quite fun. I think you carried that baby weight really well! Sexy!!! Love you!

Shelly said...

You're giving me hope. You looked great when we saw you in May.

Thanks for posting it, I was curious. (my ankles already look like that).

Chelsea said...

hehe, so funny! I remember you looking like that. The good thing is you lost SO fast and you look fabulous now- we're all jealous!

Kearl said...

Wow! You've told me about this picture, but seeing it in real life is something else. It's just shocking how "all belly" you are. I still want twins, so you didn't scare me away, but I hope that if I get them, I can look half as good as you did.