

Okay all my blogging wizard friends. I need your help. I am trying to give this here blog a makeover but there is one thing that is really stumping me. How the heck (and I'm really tempted to swear right there because I have been trying to figure this out for about an hour now) do I get rid of the 2 inch margins on either side of my blog???? I don't want it all squished in the middle. I want it to fill the whole page, left to right, like so many of your lovely blogs. But how do I do it???


April said...

ok! I just changed mine a few weeks ago - I googled my question and found a tutorial... I really wish I had bookmarked it now because I have no idea where it was!
It wasn't too hard - I just had to go into the html on my blog template and change a few numbers. There are a few blogger tips/blogging for dummies websites out there that can answer your question.

Chelsea said...

You have to change your template to "minima stretch". On the page where all the template options are, you'll see it there. Call me if you can't get it and I can walk you through it.

Katie said...

Hey Erin! I just email you an awesome website for this kind of stuff. Let me know if you have any questions!